listen to the night ~tanka

listen to the night

listen to the night
as the tree frogs call out
children of the night
what music they make echos
a chorus that celebrates

Dancing Frogs

This tanka is my response to Poetics: “Go Ahead, Make My Day,” the prompt from Mish at dVerse ~ Poets Pub, which is to write a poem using one of several offered movie quotes. I chose “Listen to the night. Children of the night. What music they make.” from Dracula (1931).

Missouri Department of Conservation – Gray Tree Frog – Dancing frogs, by Tokuriki Tomikichiro

45 thoughts on “listen to the night ~tanka

  1. I’ve always LOVED tankas….and have always said about them: When three lines just won’t do…” 🙂
    This is just perfect for the line you’ve chosen! You made me smile! It reminds me of hearing the tree frogs at night in Bermuda! You’d never believe little creatures could create such loud noise!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the second image! You seamlessly built a tanka around the line. After seeing polliwogs last week at the old golf course, yesterday I met a small toad on the dirt hill in the driveway while planting sunflower seeds. Today, when I was pouring water out of the seedling tray I put outside in yesterday’s cloudburst, another small toad the same size (same toad?) jumped out of one of the pots. It had been invisible until I tipped the tray and started pouring. So far a wonderful season for amphibians, day and night 🙂

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  3. A bold slice of brevity. Cicadas, tree frogs, coyotes, night birds and lunatics–what strange brethren, what a symphonic mix. Terrific take on the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

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