Lost Keepsakes ~ quadrille

Lost Keepsakes

Do you still keep those memories
we once held dear, now that we have
nothing else to share? The one thing
we could not divide between us
dwindled away for me, once we went
our separate ways, leaving nothing
but faint memories of memories.

This is my response to Quadrille #91 – Keep — the prompt from Kim at dVerse, which is to use the word keep in a 44-word poem that does not require meter or rhyme.

44 thoughts on “Lost Keepsakes ~ quadrille

  1. This is sad, touching, and beautiful.
    It makes me think of my mom right now–my parents were divorced (twice)–but I think they were both still the love of each other’s life. And now she talks about him a lot.


  2. Pingback: Whispers Without Words | rivrvlogr

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