Brilliantly Blue ~ video poem


Brilliantly Blue

I have found a light,
like an oasis amidst a landscape
that might be confused with darkness.

So brilliant is her light
that the world around her
is dimmed by comparison.

In it is music that stirs my soul,
thoughts that wake my mind from a slumber,
and a passion that echoes my own.

I follow her course intently
as she moves through the landscape before her,
offering assurance that her light will see her
through the shadows that lie in her path.

The warmth of her light offers me hope
of sharing her brilliance
as she emerges from that darkness.

Written/created ten years ago. Still true today

Shared with Open Link LIVE — November Edition at dVerse ~ Poets Pub.

39 thoughts on “Brilliantly Blue ~ video poem

  1. This is absolutely stunning, Ken! 💝💝 I loved hearing you read this on the LIVE session as it added to the depth and emotion of the poem. This bit stood out in particular for me; “In it is music that stirs my soul, thoughts that wake my mind from a slumber, and a passion that echoes my own.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was good to get a peek at your tender side. My Love poems have come in waves, parallel to the three serous relationships in my life, but as lust morphs into love, the poems dribbled to a halt, succeeded by in depth conversations and problem-solving.

    Liked by 1 person

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