Presque Isle Pilgrimage

Presque Isle Pilgrimage

Ever drawn by the rewards
offered by blue water,
to float upon its surface
or venture down below,

to walk along its banks in
sight of herons and cormorants,
to answer the call of lapping waves,
whether current-fed

by a mighty river or windswept
on pebbled shores with
the added gift of frosted glass,
would I not be compelled

to divert my course along the shore
of that Great Lake, Erie,
to take in a spit of land
that holds all of these, and more?

The trails of green that pass
sedate, hidden coves that,
in turn, lead out to Erie’s harbor.
The lighthouses, vital aids

to navigation, most notably the tower
that gazes out onto the lake from
a miles-long sandy shore. The same
tower that was witness to vows

that will live forever in my heart.
I might divert my course
every time I pass between
Cleveland and Buffalo, but

it is not a diversion. It is
a destination, one I seek
willingly, so strong is the hold
it has on this heart of mine.


This is my response to dVerse Poetics – Pilgrimage, Wandering, and Walkabout, the prompt from Lisa at dVerse ~ Poets Pub, which is to write a poem that is about either a pilgrimage, wandering, or a walkabout.

Presque Isle Lighthouse, Erie, Pennsylvania

11 thoughts on “Presque Isle Pilgrimage

  1. Ken, its physical appearance is enough to draw anyone. The fact that it was the towering witness to the towering love between you and your bride makes it a beacon of another kind. Why was I thinking this lighthouse was in Michigan?? Beautiful poem!


  2. I love what you did with this, Ken. Your love of Nature and being in the outdoors is very evident in your poetry. I can see how a pilgrimage such as this could inspire! Well done.


  3. I love lighthouses and Presque Isle looks beautiful, Ken. I love the phrase ‘rewards offered by blue water’, and the way you’ve described the birds and ‘pebbled shores with the added gift of frosted glass’.


  4. The relationship with a special place needs tending, time, devotion, but especially a willingness to remain rapt. Amen.


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