Generations ~ quadrille


GenerationsLove, hope,
faith of character.
Seeds planted long ago.
Thoughts, expressions,
kindness a lifeblood
offered freely.

Satisfaction in the reward
returned without hesitation,
passed on with the same
love, hope, and kindness,
from a place in each heart.

No parent could ask for more.



This poem is my response to Quadrille #127: Planting Seeds, the prompt from Merril at dVerse ~ Poets Pub, which is to use a form of the word seeds in a 44-word poem, with no required meter or rhyme.

Images source: dreamstime

40 thoughts on “Generations ~ quadrille

  1. Satisfying. Some poems have to stab at you relentlessly, forcing old feelings to bubble up behind a wall of mature indifference. Not this. This was a mother’s smile, a father’s approving nod, a child’s clinging hand. Subtle, but the sort of thing that makes you cry a decade later. Lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh gosh, this is incredibly heart-stirring. Yes, seeds passed on from generation to generation. May the cycle continue and be filled with love and all things fruitful 💝💝

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful Ken… I love the idea that love, hope, and kindness,
    from a place in each heart … is our life blood! Passed on to the next generation again and again, it continues on.
    Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s best not to expect. Too many parents want a return on their investment and think they can calculate what they’re owed. Our children are part of us. They owe us nothing, but they give without even being aware of it.

    Liked by 1 person

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