mentor and student ~ senryū

mentor and student
gain knowledge from each other
journey as equals

This senryū is my response to #TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge No. 337, at Word Craft Poetry, the prompt from Colleen Chesebro that offers an ekphrastic challenge using a photo by Terry Webster Schrandt.

My first inclination was to use “master and student,”
but I feel that “mentor” is more suitable for this family situation.

an old path ~ senryū

an old path
in early morning light
new meaning

This senryū is my response to Colleen’s #TankaTuesday Weekly
Poetry Challenge No. 301, Synonyms: New & Experience.

I was so focused on the fact that I used “old path” for “experience” and “early morning light” for “new” that I overlooked the fact that I actually used “new” in the third line of this senryū.

So… here’s another senryū

this old path
in early morning light
leads forward

Shared with Open Link Night #329 at dVerse ~ Poets Pub.

orange leaves ~ haiku & kimo

orange leaves
fall on bluff top trail
river view

maple leaves of brilliant orange and yellow
reflect the afternoon sun
in a final farewell

Haiku, a Japanese form, have three lines with a syllable count of 3/5/3, 5/7/5, or short/long/short. A kigo, or seasonal reference, is integral, and there is often a kireji, or “cutting word” at the end of the first or second line to indicate two thoughts half-independent of each other.

There are distinct differences in kimo, an Israeli variant of haiku originally structured to meet the need for more syllables in Hebrew. Like haiku, there is no rhyme, but kimo have a syllable count of 10/7/6, and deal with a single moment in which there is no movement. While my poem is a moment in nature, kimo have no seasonal or natural requirement. Find discussions here and here.

This is my response to Colleen’s #TankaTuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 296, #Tastetherainbow.