appreciation ~ senryū

for familiar emotions
found in poets’ words

Saturday, 20 April 2024, the Gumbo Bottoms Single Pot Still Poetry Society celebrated its First Annual Poetry Day in Jefferson City, Missouri. The event featured poets from various points in mid-Missouri and two keynote poets, Justin Hamm and William Trowbridge, former Poet Laureate of Missouri.

This senryū is off prompt for Day 20 of National Poetry Writing Month at

mentor and student ~ senryū

mentor and student
gain knowledge from each other
journey as equals

This senryū is my response to #TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge No. 337, at Word Craft Poetry, the prompt from Colleen Chesebro that offers an ekphrastic challenge using a photo by Terry Webster Schrandt.

My first inclination was to use “master and student,”
but I feel that “mentor” is more suitable for this family situation.