Winged Sentinel

Winged Sentinel

Watching as I approach
from a thousand feet away

Now sixty feet distant as I pause
upstream from your sycamore perch

Forty feet above the water, head turned
as you gaze down at me, curious

Camera stowed, I paddle from the bank,
drift slowly beneath your stately form

White head turns to track my progress
before you take wing, satisfied with my intent

 I originally wrote this as a response to Quadrille #161: Staying on Track, the prompt
from Merril at dVerse ~ Poets Pub, which is to use a form of the word track
in a 44-word poem (excluding title), with no required meter or rhyme.
It’s not — in fact, it’s 63 words.
I totally forgot that it’s supposed to be a quadrille.

18 thoughts on “Winged Sentinel

  1. Pingback: Winged Vigilance ~ quadrille | rivrvlogr

      • You know, that is a hard one. In literal life, terrified, because you may feel you are prey about to be eaten and (if you are me) you are afraid of heights. So you are screaming. But in the mythical world, or fairy tales, maybe, I would say ecstatic, because so often birds carrying off people do so for good reasons, such as to rescue them, or else to transport them as part of their quest or journey, with only good intentions. And an eagle is such a noble big bird, what a ride! I vote for ecstatic.


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