Hereby Resolved ~ list poem

Hereby Resolved

In times of war we long for unity.
In times of unity we welcome peace.
Remember peace in times of war.
Remember those who don’t come home.
For every one we hold a place
forever in or broken hearts.
Resolve to not repeat that pain.
Resolve their loss be not in vain.

This is my response to A little repetition, the prompt from Sarah at dVerse ~ Poets Pub, which asks us to write a poem in which there is a form of repetition, specifically anaphora.

As Sarah reminds us (per Wikipedia), anaphora is a rhetorical device that consists of repeating a sequence of words at the beginnings of neighboring clauses, thereby lending them emphasis.

Also shared with Day 5 at

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23 thoughts on “Hereby Resolved ~ list poem

  1. I like the format you chose using the repetition in couplets. A refreshing take on the prompt. You would think by now, we would have all evolved to maintain peace and its just so unacceptable that the cold heart of one can create so much devastation.

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