Love Will Travel ~ kasa

Love Will Travel

Across the miles, family missed.
Absent by choice, I pay the price.

Travel being far less frequent
than this heart might hope it to be,

phone calls, texts, and video calls
are my only compensation.

Physically, virtually,
miles fall away before this heart.

What is distance, but a number?
Even tenfold, love will travel.

This poem is my response to Poetics: Exploring the realm of Korean Literature, the prompt from Sanaa at dVerse ~ Poets Pub. Sanaa discusses the kasa, Korean verse in which content is described or exposed through parallels. It usually is written in balanced couplets. Either line of a couplet is divided into two groups, the first having three or four syllables and the second having four syllables.

17 thoughts on “Love Will Travel ~ kasa

  1. Distance makes the heart yearn …
    I’ve become very fond of zooming with others, be they miles away or across town – learned due to COVID, but I cannot imagine abandoning the ability to be face-to-face even though in separate physical spaces.
    But hugs are another matter … worth miles and miles of driving …

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  2. Oh gosh! You have my heart with this one, Ken 🙂 Being away from loved ones is truly difficult.. the price we pay to give them the best knows no bounds .. but like you have so wisely stated, “What is distance, but a number? Even tenfold, love will travel.” Sigh …. thank you so much for writing to the prompt 💝💝

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  3. My wife and I did road trips a lot, clear across the country, and Covid has put the Kibosh on all travel. Your poem peels back the emotional scabs, thank you and damn you.

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