Stories I Did Not Create ~ with audio

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #166 offers two short pieces as inspiration, to be coupled with an image, our own or found online. Of the offered short pieces I chose the following:

inkblots mutate
to form pictures,
I did not create

The image is one I’ve used here in the past. It shows me on my fifth birthday, in 1958. Our family tradition has been to place an extra candle on the cake, for good luck in the next year, as mentioned in this Wiki entry. (Something tells me that blowing out candles on a cake will become a thing of the past.)

Stories I Did Not Create

Decades to come, too many to count,
when I look to the past,
see stories I did not create,
stories that unfolded before, around me

Will I follow the inkblots that mutate
to form pictures and create alphabets
to understand the elements that came
to define my perspective?

What does a child know of these things?
There is only now. Before and after,
anticipation and regret, these we create.
Will I understand this, then?

28 thoughts on “Stories I Did Not Create ~ with audio

  1. Wonderful poem, Ken. It takes a bit to go by that cute boy, so proud of having blown out all the candles. Now ready to live his next…..although, he lives now. How true.
    You used the inkblot though and created and told stories.


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  2. A thoughtful poem, Ken, and I always enjoy your readings. I think children do anticipate and remember. I agree you were super cute–that is an adorable photo, and I like how it’s recreated as a drawing for your poem.
    I did blow out the one candle I put on my birthday cake this year, but it was only my husband and me eating it. I don’t think it’s going to remain a thing people do. 😀

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  3. I agree with Merril about anticipation and remembering. But children do fall into the now more easily than most adults. Family stories…now those definitely mutate and take on a life if their own. Each participant creates their own unique pattern and interpretation. (K)

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  4. A great write, KG, and always good to hear the author. Love that anticipation and regret line, too; make me think of Mr Kerouac’s “There’s no rain / there’s no me / I’m tellin ya, man / sure as shit”


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  5. Pingback: icing on the cake | rivrvlogr

  6. Pingback: Reena’s Exploration Challenge #167 – Reena Saxena

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