red meets dusky red

cheerful call brings mate.jpg

red meets dusky red
cardinal feeding its mate
new life beginning

This haiku is my response to Seeing Red!, from Sarah
in Poetics at dVerse Poets Pub.

April is National/Global Poetry Writing Month, and this also meets the Early Bird prompt at, which is to write a poem about your favorite bird.

45 thoughts on “red meets dusky red

  1. Wow, another quick brief poetic moment; terrific. Short but sweet seems to be the choice of the day out here on the trail. Boy is my face red, with my standard two-pager.

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  2. Nice earlybird jumpstart KG!
    I’m thinking I might follow day-old prompts (like do the earlybird tomorrow, etc) and/or dip into some of the raw journalworks I mentioned last week, since I’m not nearly as spontaneous as I used to be, ought to be, or want to be these days.

    Bright side: Solitary confinement due to the Plague. Plenty of time!
    Hang in there!

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