Speaking of the Sea

Speaking of the Sea

Seasons have passed me by, and time moves on.
My wandering thoughts turn towards the sea,
sitting in delicate balance upon

the waves, like footprints on a sodden beach.
Fewer waves ahead, yet less time to rest,
so much left unsaid, this my final speech.

Mine is a ballad that’s best left unsung.
But if, by chance, my name crosses your lips,
may it be waves of praise that grace your tongue.

The challenge in Poetics: Three from the Welsh speaking sea, from Laura at dVerse Poets Pub is to write a poem using three of five end-rhyme word sets from Raymond Garlick’s Welsh-Speaking Sea. So, three (or more) rhyming tercets, with no meter required, but with the added challenge of using pentameter. No real meter here, but still 10-syllable lines. The word sets (with the option to reverse each word order):

speech / rest / beach
on / sea / upon
word / breath / bird
way / sound / bay
sung / lips / tongue

Image source: noaa.gov

39 thoughts on “Speaking of the Sea

  1. You rocked the prompt, and you’re a part of the majority that used a Sea theme. I liked the internal rhyme /fewer waves ahead–so much left unsaid/.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A poignant poem, Ken, and a reminder of our mortality, especially in the lines:
    ‘Fewer waves ahead, yet less time to rest,
    so much left unsaid, this my final speech.’
    The final lines made me tearful. I agree with Jade that your words evoke the image of a captain setting sail on a final voyage.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Speaking of the Sea — rivrvlogr – yazım'yazgısı (typography)

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