Notes, while driving with Brubeck

Notes, while driving with Brubeck
     (random riffs recorded on the road)

Concrete seams click beneath
the rapid turn of wheels

trying to impress the need
for arrival, as a sax greets an expanse of blue

waving on a horizon breaking free
of its cloudy blanket, revealing

more blue as grapevines,
in row after orderly row, march

up a snow covered slope,
drummer keeping the beat.

Gulls wander in from the lake,
and hilltop turbines can’t keep up.

Five takes, and no photo worthy of saving.
This ain’t no St. Louis, but the sky is still blue.


13 thoughts on “Notes, while driving with Brubeck

  1. Photos always welcome, but your words deliver a vivid image of blue beginning, expanding … a sense that you’re headed smack into the blues, about to be swallowed up. (And that feels highly desirable!) Trance inducing lyrics … enjoyed riding along for a couple of minutes – thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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