End This Endless Sunset – ekphrastic poem

End This Endless Sunset

Where do the seasons take us?
Is direction relevant
when the sun repeatedly sets
and the promise inherent in a sunrise
refuses to reveal itself?

Give me the promise of a spring
that cannot be denied, with clouds
to reflect that sunrise, not threaten
an unending storm to hold us back.

The Ekphrastic Review, with guest editor Janette Shafer offered Emilio Boggio’s Fin de la Jornada in The Emilio Boggio Ekphrastic Challenge. While I received encouraging comments from Janette, my submission did not make the final cut.  There are some wonderful selections that were chosen, including those by Kerfe Roig and Merril Smith, and they can be read here.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons – Fin de la Jornada, by Emilio Boggio

14 thoughts on “End This Endless Sunset – ekphrastic poem

  1. That’s a great title. And the questions are searching, in the right way.
    I do think you are right about the guest editors. But in the end you have to write for yourself. Between the many rejections I get and the acceptances, it’s hard for me to find the dividing line between good and not so good most of the time. That’s as true of my art as my poetry, for which my rejection rate is even higher. (K)

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