Making America Gangrenous Again ~ haibun

Making America Gangrenous Again

In a sane world, in a country that prides itself on being a land of equality, however slow the path there may be; in a country that stands up for the rights of its citizens, however misguided that application may be; in a country that holds freedom of speech as a basic tenet, with the understanding that one’s words must be weighed against the protection of its citizens, the rationale indigenous to human beings in modern society might cause one to think it unimaginable that the leader of such a nation would open his arms to supporters of his bid for re-election willing to air a doctored video showing him shooting and injuring media representatives and political rivals, but it must be remembered that sanity and civil responsibility are not the norm in Trump World. The words and misrepresentations of that leader are the reason supporters believe such behavior is acceptable and nothing more than satire.

a sincere condemnation
nation holds its breath
personal press conference
too much to expect from him

Subsequently removed, the video was shown on this post
defending its satirical worth. The image shown above is from that video.

With apologies for not staying with the theme, this Columbus Day, of recognizing those who have suffered from the moment any part of this land was claimed in the name of European sovereignty and further through Manifest Destiny, the indigenous peoples of America, this is my response to Haibun Monday 10/12/19: Indigenous .

29 thoughts on “Making America Gangrenous Again ~ haibun

  1. We all share the same nightmare, every night and every morning.Kudos to you for find a creative way to rock the prompt, and still put a foot up the butt of #45

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