Reflecting on Darkness ~ Reboot

It has come to my attention that my “prosery” posted on August 4th was flawed, in that my copy/paste into the editor resulted in the first paragraph being eliminated, while the second paragraph was duplicated.  Here is Reflecting on Darkness, as I wrote it.
Ken G.

Reflecting on Darkness

Within surrounding darkness, yet awake in the light of a near-yet-distant star, I gaze at a blue marble far beyond my reach. My loneliness tells me that I am the only one who appreciates the beauty it holds. Who else can there be? Is there any face beyond my own that has gazed outward?

And what of that darkness? Should I let it consume me? The light I cast may be a faint reflection, but it is here, always, the only shadows falling beneath the measured steps of men long gone, or cast by the occasional passing of that globe of beauty amid the darkness.

Perhaps that orb gazes towards me, the same questions crossing its mind as it ponders the darkness that surrounds us. Can there be more to this world, or that, than meets the eye?

I dreamt I was the moon.

Prosery is a form devised at dVerse, and the challenge is to write a piece of flash fiction with a 144-word limit. Included in the bit of prose is to be a complete line from a poem. With Prosery #2, the line to be included was “I dreamt I was the moon” from Alice Oswald’s “Full Moon.”

Image source: ©NASA (Earthrise)

18 thoughts on “Reflecting on Darkness ~ Reboot

  1. Pingback: Reflecting on Darkness | rivrvlogr

  2. Multiple responses as I read this version …
    First, what synchronicity – I’m taking a month-long collage/reflection course based on moon cycles. I will now put some effort into considering not only from my view, but also from the moon’s.
    Also, encouraging to consider that the blue marble that seems so contaminated here on its surface may still appear beautiful from a distance … may be beautiful at the core … may one day restore that beauty all the way to its surface
    Lastly, “the darkness that surrounds us” is a haunting phrase – none of us can truly SEE anything, we just conceive based on conditioning and sensory vibrations; perhaps that dark’s a cushion to keep us from rubbing one another raw?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jazz.
      That moon course sounds like it could provide some inspiration.
      The overall beauty of that blue marble may disguise the flaws, but they’re there, nonetheless, and we need to do more to not only stop they’re progress but also to reverse what is possible. As more countries come online to the greater world economy, our nation should be setting an example and not denying the problems exist, so that, one day, a close inspection will provide the same beauty as seen from afar.
      It certainly would be nice if that darkness were merely a buffer, and not a diminishment of the potential for a brighter future.


  3. Fascinating and beautifully written thoughts.
    I am sure you won’t be the only to see and appreciate the beauty, however lonely it seems.
    Love this:
    ” Perhaps that orb gazes towards me, the same questions crossing its mind as it ponders the darkness that surrounds us. Can there be more to this world, or that, than meets the eye?

    I dreamt I was the moon.”


    Liked by 1 person

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