

With the whisper of waves brushing the skin
of my kayak beneath and beside me,
the dance of a shower on my skin
in the sensuous tease of a long caress,
or immersion at great depth with sunlight
filtered until I am as one with my nature,
both within or without, I am
with water, and I am complete.

The prompt for Poetics: In My Element, from Amaya at dVerse, is to write a poem that explores what a cosmology says about the writer. Of course,  mine would involve water?

Background image: Wikimedia Commons
Sternzeichen Fische (Johannes Regiomontaus – 1512)

52 thoughts on “Pisces

  1. Ahhh, what a poem to read right before I head for bed … just might stir up some dreams! This is so sensual in a spiritual sort of way … especially the rain’s teasing caress … brings to mind days I lived in South Florida where rain happens spontaneously anytime it wants to. I stopped running to get out of it … car seats were leather, so no big deal if I slid in soaked. (Humidity so thick in South Florida that rain actually felt better than sweating!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the sense of floating and gliding through water in this poem, Ken, especially in the lines:
    ‘…the whisper of waves brushing the skin’
    ‘the dance of a shower on my skin’.

    Liked by 1 person

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