The Night I Dance with Death ~ haibun

The Night I Dance with Death

Writing a haiku is not adequate in reviewing La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort, a short animation. Both dark and erotic, it portrays a young man, caught in the grips of boredom, who accepts a pharmaceutical which at first brings pleasure, then horror, and finally erotic gratification that ultimately leads to what could be his untimely end. Rated “Mature” and worthy of an “R” rating for violence and sexual content, this short film is not meant for everyone. Call this a haibun, if you must.

self medication
escaping reality
the ultimate price


The Secret Keeper’s Haiku Review Challenge. The short film offered for review is La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort by Gibaud Vincent (rating:Mature), found on Vimeo.

5 thoughts on “The Night I Dance with Death ~ haibun

  1. Pingback: The Night I Dance with Death — rivrvlogr – Frank J. Tassone

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