Sunburst ~ haibun



They do not detract, the dark lines of lead between each glass panel, but fuse them into brilliance, with the sun streaming through in just such a way that keeps you rapt, marveling at the brilliance that could conceive such beauty that otherwise would be darkness, save for metal, glass, light and vision.

vivid sunlight streams
urging hope for the future
all eyes drawn skyward

Using lead and save, this haibun is my response to a challenge from Colleen Chesebro: Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge #32: LEAD & SAVE.
Photo: City Hall Council Chambers Ceiling, Buffalo, New York

12 thoughts on “Sunburst ~ haibun

  1. We’ve missed you! Glad you’re back. Your Haibun is excellent. I love how it draws the reader into the colorful lead glass. Perfect! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 33 – CLEAN & SHARP – Colleen Chesebro ~ Fairy Whisperer

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