The heart of a tree suffers

The heart of a tree suffers

Whether it is a near-to-heart friend
or far-distant relative,
the heart of a tree suffers
with the death of a single branch.
When it is at the very heart,
all who know feel the loss.

This poem is in memory of Ken Thayer, a cousin who lost his battle with cancer this past week.
This my first attempt at Sijo, in response to Carpe Diem Universal Jane #13 Sijo the Korean poem.

Sijo (a Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka)
~ three lines of 14-16 syllables each
~ a total of 44-46 syllables
~ a pause near the middle of each line
~ first half of the line contains six to nine syllables
~ the second half should contain no fewer than five
Originally intended as songs, sijo can treat romantic, metaphysical, or spiritual themes. Whatever the subject, the first line introduces an idea or story, the second supplies a “turn,” and the third provides closure.
Modern Sijo are sometimes printed in six lines.

Sketch artist: Natalie Bucki

33 thoughts on “The heart of a tree suffers

    • Thank you, Merril. Including elders, it’s been a tough year. You can sort of prepare for the elders, but with contemporaries (and younger) it’s can be a real shock. Of course, I’ve reached an age when I can expect more of those shockers.
      The poetry form is interesting. It might not have been as easy if I hadn’t had this on my mind, but I’d be willing to try it again.

      Liked by 1 person

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