

Rock and snow my prison cell
Stranded in the midst of beauty
Blue waves and sky no consolation
The spark of hope dimmer
With each passing day
Until frozen
Splintering, then shattering
Finally gone

Thoughts of rescue from this desolation
Now as distant as a passing ship
With its snapping sails
A faint syncopation
Against the murmer of geese
Taunting me from afar
The freedom of their aerial maneuvers
Bringing me only profound sadness

Free verse this time, as my response to Jane Dougherty’s Poetry Challenge #34: Snow geese, with a painting and five suggested words, aerial, murmurprofound, splintering and spark.  Alas, this may not be as uplifting as she may have hoped.

Image source: Wikipedia (In the Blue Expanse, by Arkady Rylov)

12 thoughts on “Desolation

  1. Lovely poem of desolation. At least he has a beautiful view. 🙂
    (And why am I assuming it’s a he? I guess it could be a woman relating this story.) I love the snapping sails, the syncopation, and the taunting geese–it makes this so vivid.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Poetry challenge Snow geese: the entries – Jane Dougherty Writes

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